Hair transplant procedure
with the FUE method

Within the Hair Center Villa La Tour, hair transplants are only performed with the FUE method (with follicular units). Indeed, this method was chosen because it offers the best aesthetic results, without scars nor secondary effects. FUE method allows to obtain a result that is extremelly natural and totally undetectable, even by hairstyle professionals.

(video 0:44s) "#hairgraft : how is a hair transplant FUE procedure?"

At the beginning of the procedure

At the beginning of the procedure, the patient is comfortably lying down. Then the surgeon starts shaving the area where hair is going to be taken. The shaven area will be limited to the sampling area of grafts. Therefore, at the end of the procedure, the unshaven hair is going to be folded to a possible extentto hide the sampling area. Everything will be done to minimize the visible traces of the procedure.

Local anaesthesia

After the sampling area is shaved, the surgeon is going to procede to a local anaesthesia to take some grafts. This light local anaesthesia has for objective to make the procedure the most comfortable for the patient and the surgeon.

Collect and prepare the grafts

Once the anaesthesia is done, the surgeon can start the first part of the procedure. It's a matter of taking meticulously the grafts at the heart of the donor site. Then, these grafts, gently removed, are going to be prepared for the second phase of the procedure.

Collect and prepare the grafts

Once the anaesthesia is done, the surgeon can start the first part of the procedure. It's a matter of taking meticulously the grafts at the heart of the donor site. Then, these grafts, gently removed, are going to be prepared for the second phase of the procedure.

Hair "retransplantation"

Once the grafts are collected, the surgeon is going to do a hair retransplantation. To do so, he is going to make on the recipient site micro-slits that are necessary to the transplant of grafts. Finally, grafts are going to be retransplanted meticulously, one by one, on the bald spots such as the temporal gulfs or at the top of the skull.

At the end of the procedure

At the end of the procedure, a compression bandage will be applied onto the donor site. This bandage has to be kept the first night in order to protect the area and prevent any bleeding.


Hair transplant lasts 3 to 7 hours in general, depending on the number of grafts to retransplant.

Hair transplant results

During the 3 months following the hair transplant session, hair is going to grow at the normal speed that is 1 cm per month on average.

Therefore, after a few months, the bald area will regain natural hair, it will be attractive and without scars.

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